* Facebox-Bootstrap (for jQuery v1.2+ & Bootstrap v3)
* version: 0.9
* Licensed under the MIT:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Copyright Forever Chris Wanstrath, Kyle Neath, Michael Chaney
* Based on the awesomely simple "facebox" code by Chris Wanstrath,
* later maintained by Kyle Neath.
* This is a simple shim to allow the standard Bootstrap modal to be
* used in the same manner as the older "facebox" jquery plugin. The
* main difference is that facebox - when given a link - will load the
* remote resource each time it is called. The Bootstrap modal will
* only load it one time. The Bootstrap modal also relies on having the
* modal DOM in the document ready to be shown whereas the facebox code
* only adds it when needed.
* To use this, simply remove facebox.js and facebox.css and drop this
* in after you include Bootstrap's js.
* Note: this is meant to be a straight drop-in replacement. It should
* work nicely if you do nothing else. However, I have specifically
* created it so that you can update your code incrementally to fit
* Bootstrap better as time permits.
* This shim simply creates the appropriate DOM object when invoked,
* fills it in, and then uses the Bootstrap modal to show it. If
* invoked in "straight" mode it'll pass the url directly to Bootstrap
* and allow it to handle the ajax call to load data. Note that this is
* not just like Bootstrap's regular call as this will load the data
* afresh each time it's called.
* $.facebox.settings.compatibility = 'normal'
* $.facebox.settings.compatibility = 'straight'
* In straight mode, URLs are handed off to Boostrap's standard code
* which will load the data into the "modal-content" div.
* In normal mode facebox loads the data itself and examines it. If it
* includes a "modal-body" div the data will be loaded directly into
* "modal-content" as in straight mode. Otherwise it will be loaded
* into a "modal-body" div. Furthermore, the first header of any kind
* will be removed and its contents inserted into the "h4" in the
* modal-header div. This standard modal also has a close "x" in the
* header and a close button in the footer.
* All callbacks are mapped to Bootstrap modal callbacks:
* Bootstrap Facebox
* show.bs.modal loading.facebox, beforeReveal.facebox
* shown.bs.modal reveal.facebox, afterReveal.facebox
* hidden.bs.modal afterClose.facebox
* Also, you can trigger "close.facebox" manually to close the modal.
* This is the original documentation:
* Usage:
* jQuery(document).ready(function() {
* jQuery('a[rel*=facebox]').facebox()
* })
* Terms
* Loads the #terms div in the box
* Terms
* Loads the terms.html page in the box
* Terms
* Loads the terms.png image in the box
* You can also use it programmatically:
* jQuery.facebox('some html')
* jQuery.facebox('some html', 'my-groovy-style')
* The above will open a facebox with "some html" as the content.
* jQuery.facebox(function($) {
* $.get('blah.html', function(data) { $.facebox(data) })
* })
* The above will show a loading screen before the passed function is called,
* allowing for a better ajaxy experience.
* The facebox function can also display an ajax page, an image, or the contents of a div:
* jQuery.facebox({ ajax: 'remote.html' })
* jQuery.facebox({ ajax: 'remote.html' }, 'my-groovy-style')
* jQuery.facebox({ image: 'stairs.jpg' })
* jQuery.facebox({ image: 'stairs.jpg' }, 'my-groovy-style')
* jQuery.facebox({ div: '#box' })
* jQuery.facebox({ div: '#box' }, 'my-groovy-style')
* Want to close the facebox? Trigger the 'close.facebox' document event:
* jQuery(document).trigger('close.facebox')
* Facebox also has a bunch of other hooks:
* loading.facebox
* beforeReveal.facebox
* reveal.facebox (aliased as 'afterReveal.facebox')
* init.facebox
* afterClose.facebox
* Simply bind a function to any of these hooks:
* $(document).bind('reveal.facebox', function() { ...stuff to do after the facebox and contents are revealed... })
(function($) {
$.facebox = function(data, klass) {
$.facebox.loading(data.settings || [])
if (data.ajax) fillFaceboxFromLink(data.ajax, klass)
else if (data.image) fillFaceboxFromImage(data.image, klass)
else if (data.div) fillFaceboxFromHref(data.div, klass)
else if ($.isFunction(data)) data.call($)
else $.facebox.reveal(data, klass)
* Public, $.facebox methods
$.extend($.facebox, {
settings: {
modalSize : null, // null, 'large', or 'small'
compatibility: 'normal', // straight or normal
imageTypes : [ 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif' ],
faceboxMinimalHtml : '\
faceboxHtml : '\
loading: function() {
if ($.facebox.current_modal) return true;
if ($.facebox.settings.compatibility=='straight') {
$.facebox.current_modal = $($.facebox.settings.faceboxMinimalHtml);
} else {
$.facebox.current_modal = $($.facebox.settings.faceboxHtml);
if ($.facebox.settings.modalSize == 'small') {
} else if ($.facebox.settings.modalSize == 'large') {
// In this case, show a remote link
revealRemote: function(link, klass) {
if (klass) $.facebox.current_modal.addClass(klass)
$.facebox.current_modal.modal({remote: link});
// data is literal data to stick in the modal
reveal: function(data, klass) {
if (klass) $.facebox.current_modal.addClass(klass)
// Takes literal data and examines it. If the literal data has a
// "modal-body" div, then the data will replace the entire
// "modal-content" div of the modal. Otherwise, the data will be
// stuck into "modal-body". Additionally, the first header (h1-h6)
// will be removed and its contents put into an h4 in the modal
// header.
revealNormal: function(data, klass) {
if (klass) $.facebox.current_modal.addClass(klass)
if (data.match(/class\s*=\s*["']modal-body/)) {
} else {
var header_match_data = data.match(/<(h[123456]).*?>(.*?)(<\/\1>)/);
if (header_match_data) {
$.facebox.current_modal.find('.modal-header h4').empty().append(header_match_data[2]);
data = data.replace(new RegExp(header_match_data[0]),'');
} else {
$.facebox.current_modal.find('.modal-header h4').remove();
close: function() {
return false
* Public, $.fn methods
$.fn.facebox = function(settings) {
if ($(this).length == 0) return
function clickHandler() {
// support for rel="facebox.inline_popup" syntax, to add a class
// also supports deprecated "facebox[.inline_popup]" syntax
var klass = this.rel.match(/facebox\[?\.(\w+)\]?/)
if (klass) klass = klass[1]
fillFaceboxFromHref(this.href, klass)
return false
return this.bind('click.facebox', clickHandler)
* Private methods
// called one time to setup facebox on this page
function init(settings) {
if ($.facebox.settings.inited) return true
else $.facebox.settings.inited = true
var imageTypes = $.facebox.settings.imageTypes.join('|')
$.facebox.settings.imageTypesRegexp = new RegExp('\\.(' + imageTypes + ')(\\?.*)?$', 'i')
// This will hold the current modal
$.facebox.current_modal = null;
if (settings) $.extend($.facebox.settings, settings)
$(document).on('show.bs.modal', function() {
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal', function() {
$(document).on('hidden.bs.modal', function() {
$.facebox.current_modal = null;
// Backwards compatibility
function makeCompatible() {
var $s = $.facebox.settings
$s.loadingImage = $s.loading_image || $s.loadingImage
$s.closeImage = $s.close_image || $s.closeImage
$s.imageTypes = $s.image_types || $s.imageTypes
$s.faceboxHtml = $s.facebox_html || $s.faceboxHtml
// Figures out what you want to display and displays it
// formats are:
// div: #id
// image: blah.extension
// ajax: anything else
function fillFaceboxFromHref(href, klass) {
// div
if (href.match(/#/)) {
var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0]
var target = href.replace(url,'')
if (target == '#') return
$.facebox.reveal($(target).html(), klass)
// image
} else if (href.match($.facebox.settings.imageTypesRegexp)) {
fillFaceboxFromImage(href, klass)
// ajax
} else {
fillFaceboxFromLink(href, klass)
function fillFaceboxFromImage(href, klass) {
var image = new Image()
image.onload = function() {
$.facebox.reveal('', klass)
image.src = href
function fillFaceboxFromLink(href, klass) {
if ($.facebox.settings.compatibility == 'normal') {
$.facebox.jqxhr = $.get(href, function(data) { $.facebox.revealNormal(data, klass) }, 'text');
} else {
$.facebox.revealRemote(href, klass);
* Bindings
$(document).bind('close.facebox', function() {