♬ Strengthening Lives Through Dance & Music ♬ 




Move & Groove For Health Dance Videos


  1. Name: Beat Goes On" aka "Jump Off
  2. Location: LA County Fair
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  1. Name: Get it Baby
  2. Solid Gold Soul Line Dance Performance Team
  3. Location: Moreno Valley Recreation Center - Moreno Valley, CA
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  1. Name: Jerusalema Tami-ized
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton
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  1. Name: Lets Groove
  2. Solid Gold Soul Line Dance Performance Team
  3. Location: CD Wilson Jazz Event - Ontario CA
Click on video to watch
  1. Name: Mr. Sexy Man
  2. Choreographer: James Mobley
  3. Location: City of Parris Community Center - Parris CA
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  1. Name: Pata Pata
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton
  3. Location: City of Riverside Black History Event - Riverside CA
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  1. Name: Rock Steady
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton
  3. Location: Moreno Valley Recreation Center - Moreno Valley, CA
Click on video to watch
  1. Name: TAMtations chacha
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton
  3. Location: Moreno Valley Recreation Center - Moreno Valley, CA
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  1. Name: Uptown Funk
  2. Solid Gold Soul Line Dance Performance Team
  3. Location: San Bernardino Black History Event-San Bernardino, CA
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  1. Name: 24 Karat
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton & Linda Girolamo
  3. Location: - Women's council of Realtors
    "Spring Tea" at Riverside convention center.-Riverside, CA
Click on video to watch
  1. Name: Halloween
  2. Choreographer: Tami Drayton
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